Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Blog Post #45

Blog Post
Heavy metal band names!

This is a great example of how one should make sure to use a font that is easily read by the general public. with font choice it is important that they are easily read no matter how they are put together. This shows how easy it is to mess up with font choice.

Blog Post #44

Blog Post #44

If you don't cringe at this image then I have absolutely no respect for you as a person. This design implements what you should never do when using type. First of all the "WE" is crushing everything else in the design and the font chosen is blocky and mostly illegible. The spacing between the letters could also be tracked out a bit more in order to seem a bit more readable.

Blog Post #43

Blog Post #43
We're in the T-Shirt business now

Don't worry about the t-shirt as much as the design itself though. Although, it is one fine ass shirt. Anyways this is another example of shaping text in order to portray an image or a specific idea. This artist manipulated the word illusion in order to make the image appear as an optical illusion. A great use of typographic elements.

Blog Post #42

Blog Post #42

Text alignment and how it benefits the greater good. In order to have a good design equal understanding must be present. Whether it is a bad layout or poor font choice, some designs can be lacking. This specific design has used a poor choice by having a pattern background with diagonally placed text laid out over it. Having font placed diagonally can pay off. However it can sometimes be extremely difficult to read depending on the rest of the design.

Blog Post #41

Blog Post #41

Typographic Hierarchy

This blog installment will be discussing typographic hierarchy in order to show the importance of certain words or meaning. Concert posters have always been a showcasing of typographic hierarchy and this poster just missed the note. It is important that the most important objects should stand out, whether this is done by changing the font, color, or sizing. This designer correctly changed the size of the font but it looks weird being placed in the middle of the events. There should be a proper display of this where the most important event will be either placed at the top or bottom, not the middle of the flyer/poster.

Blog Post #40

Blog Post #40

This blog post is another inclusion on text manipulation. This form of text has been stretched and manipulated in order to be seen as a heel that is being marketed by a fashion store. Instead of having a physical object they let the text be put in place of that object in order to push the final meaning that there is a shoe sale happening. This is a great use of typographic manipulation and it is a great technique to have once becoming a graphic designer.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Blop Post #39

Blog Post #39
Welcome to Whose Font is it Anyway! Where the serifs are made up and the legibility doesn't matter!Font choice is the heart and soul of typography, If there is a bad font in use there can only be bad typography. The main point of font use is to have continuity and legibility throughout the entire design, without this the design fails and its purpose is lost. Make sure to use proper font selection when designing.

BLog l#38

Blog Post #38
Bad Typography 2: Electric Boogaloo

looking at  bad typography is like like watching a remake of a classic movie. You know youre going to have to look at it and its going to be so, so, so, damn painful. In this image displayed it shows how a design can be hurt simply by not adjusting tracking. Tracking pertains to the spacing between the each different part of text flowing horizontally. By failing to adjust the tracking this text is jumbled and illegible at pints. Only you can prevent tracking issues, kids.


Blog Post #37

While this design is meant to be a parody of what bad designs look like, it is still important to focus on proper alignment and spacing in typographic designs.  Proper spacing is important in design in order to maintain flow and to ensure that the design itself is legible and uniform.  Take this design as as what you shouldn't do. EVER!

Blog Post #36

Using empty space for the greater good.

While this not the biggest use of negative space, it still shows basic use of this technique. By using shapes instead of actual letters this person used shapes and negative space in order to make it appear that there are letters there. Negative space can be the most powerful tool in a designers arsenal it, and it is important for designers to have a clear understanding of this. Overall this is a very cool use of typography.

Blog Post #35

BLOG POST #35! Were gonna need a bigger font...Get it? No. Okay then.

This poster is a design made by a fan of this film franchise. While this design is extremely simple it still is reminiscent of the move. By using the A in word jaws this designer was able to replicate the classic fin out of water scene. This is an excellent use of typographic skills.

Typography Blog Post #34

Blog Post #34
Bad typography

If you use bad typography you're gonna have a bad time. But seriously, what does this even say? Using fonts Like these is a bad move in pretty much every situation, unless you're trying to make something look weird.