Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Event Flyer/Poster blog post #3

Blog post #3

For the last post relating to the event flyers and poster I chose one that I don't like all that much. I feel this kind of old timey classic design has been overused so much that the horse has been beaten dead for many years. What I don't like about this is how bland it is. It also doesn't really tell me what kind of music this is going to be. However, this poster does have a leg to stand on with its layout and text placement. The use of different fonts worked out well as well as the placement of logos. Even though the placement went well it still feels all of the text is boxed in by the banners.

-Placement was relatively successful
-Logos and branding came through

-Color palate was bland and boring. Extremely washed out in my opinion.
-Overused aspects.
-Doesn't tell me anything at all about the music.

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